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FREE WR Gym Workout

Grant Caraway

This is a 3 split workout for WRs to do in the gym to improve their strength, power and explosion. I hope you enjoy


Pause Bench Press 5x5 (pause for 2 seconds at the bottom of the lift)

Superset with

Barbell Push Jerk 5x5

1 minute 30 seconds rest in between sets

Now WRs cannot only train in the gym for performance and explosion on the field. They need to be doing the correct work/correct on field drills to take their skills to that next level. If you guys would like an 8 week workout plan with 200+ field drills for WRs checkout the link below! ⬇️⬇️


Pause Squats 5x8 (hold the squat parallel for a 2 second pause)

Superset with

Power Cleans 5x5

1 minute 30 seconds rest in between sets

SPLIT 3 (core finisher(

Med Ball Russian Twist

3x30 reps

Superset with

Flutter Kicks (look up on google if needed)

3x30 seconds

Superset with


3x1 minute holds

1 minute rest in between sets

WE ARE TRAVELING TO 6 STATES THIS OFF SEASON FOR QB/WR CAMPS! We are coming to Atlanta GA, Columbus OH, Chicago IL, Dallas TX, Nashville TN & Los Angeles CA! If you guys are local to those 6 cities we would love to have you out! Spots are limited to only 10-12 per position group! 8-Hours of training total with myself and my staff! Sign up below ⬇️⬇️

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