Located below will be a WR gym speed workout that you can. Speed can be developed in the gym through exercises that activate and train your fast twitch muscle fibers- that is exactly what this workout will do. I hope you enjoy!
ALSO, WE ARE TRAVELING TO 15 MORE STATES FOR QB/WR CAMPS! We are coming to San Francisco CA, Orlando FL, The DMV, Charlotte NC, New Orleans LA, Dallas TX, St. Louis MO, Honolulu HI, Boston MA, Cleveland OH, Austin TX, Seattle WA, Newark NJ, Denver CO, & Los Angeles CA…. If you want more info and want to know how you can sign up, checkout the link below!
30 seconds jumping jacks
30 seconds high knees in place
10 jump squats
10 jumping lunges (alternating 5 each side)
10 side to side lunges (alternating 5 each side)
10 burpees
10 push-ups
30 seconds of sit ups
30 second of bicycle kicks
These are all performed back to back. The goal of this dynamic warm up is to get a sweat going.
Power Clean 5 sets of 8 reps
Superset with
Med Ball Single Leg Box Jumps
5 sets of 6-8 reps each side
(box height that is manageable)
1 minute 30 seconds rest in between sets
Barbell Half Bosu Ball Back Squats 5 sets of 8 reps
(Superset with)
Trap Bar Deadlift Jumps 5 sets of 8 reps Superset with
Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunges 5 sets of 20yds
2minutes rest in between sets
SPLIT 3 (Ab finisher)
Pull Up Bar Toes To Bar 3 sets of AMRAP
Superset with
V-Ups Med Ball 3 sets of 30
Superset with
Leg Lifts 3 sets of 20 reps
1 minute 30 seconds rest in between sets
