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Seniors With NO OFFERS

Grant Caraway

Below we will be discussing how seniors with no offers can still play college football I hope this can help! 

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So if you’re sitting there as a senior, 7-8 games into the year and you don’t have any offers. Please do not panic. If you are truly good enough to play college football, I am a firm believer that you can with the right advice. So if your goal is to play division 1, (which is totally fine) the odds are stacked against you if you don’t have an offer by this time your senior year. I have seen D1 schools offer kids after their senior year all the way up until the last week before signing day. It’s very uncommon but it’s usually kids who D1 schools are already in communication with. If you aren’t communicating with any, it’s likely you won’t receive an offer from them. Even if you send out your film after the season. Most of those schools get their recruiting done very early. I’m not gonna say it’s impossible but it’s unlikely. So your best bet to still play D1 football would be to attend a prep school, JUCO or a lower division college and potentially transfer. I’m not one of those old school guys that says “oh the transfer portal is ruining college football” but I recommend doing the prep option or the JUCO option. A prep school is essentially an extra year after high school where you play football for a school and have a chance to get recruited. Popular on the east coast. Guys usually go to develop one more year even if they have an offer or it’s for guys in your own situation who just need more film/opportunities. Only thing is- it can be pricy. So to receive a scholarship you must reach out to them with your film and transcripts similar to how you would with a college and apply there. Now, if you don’t have the financial means for a prep school- JUCO is a great option. It’s pretty much free/extremely cheap and you can still get recruited out of there. You need D1 talent to go D1 out of a JUCO. Because a D1 who recruits JUCO players will expect you to play now. A JUCO you can only attend for 2 years max. And let’s say you play 2 years there, that means you can only play 2 years at a 4 year college. That’s the only downside. Now, if you just want to play college football- you don’t care what division… it is 1000% possible to get an offer after this season. As soon as the season ends- make your highlight tape. Send it out to coaches via Twitter at small schools. Preferably ones you’ve communicated with in the past. Those guys are always looking for talent because they don’t get that many people to reach out to them. I hope this article was able to help you and give you a clear mindset on the recruiting process. 

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