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This is a digital download product, upon purchase you will be granted access to a 28 DAY WR GYM WORKOUT PROGRAM. The link will be sent to your email address you ordered with. This is the more advanced WR workout program we offer on this site. If you have already completed the WR Gym Program version 1, this is perfect for you to get to the next level, or if you feel you are a more advanced WR and crave a challenge, this is the perfect fit. It contains more advanced workouts, harder splits, more intense supersets and even more. Everything WRs need to get faster, stronger, more explosive and become better on the field is in this workout plan. Thank you for your consideration and I hope this gives you value! 



Day 2 Grip Strength/ Upper Body


Warm Up


30 seconds jumping jacks

20 arm circles forward

20 arm circles backwards

20 pushups

20 sit ups

10 jump squats

10 lunges

30 seconds of sit ups

30 seconds bicycle kicks




Clean & Jerk 5 sets of 8-10 reps


Superset with 


Pull Ups 5 sets of AMRAP (as many reps possible)


Superset with


Band Push Ups 5 sets of 10-12


(pictures included)


1 minute 30 seconds rest in between sets 

28 Day WR Gym Plan 2.0 (Advanced)

$50.00 Regular Price
$30.00Sale Price
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