Below we will be discussing how you can get recruited with only 1 year of varsity film. I hope this helps you out and can clear up any of the questions you may have!
Also, if you are a QB or WR and would like 200+ QB & WR drills all mapped out with the exact sets & reps to do, checkout the link below! ⬇️⬇️
If you are entering your senior year and have dreams an aspirations of playing D1 college football, it is definitely possible but extremely difficult and the odds are stacked against you. But I have seen it happen multiple times. I’ve seen kids get an offer 1 week before signing day with only 1 year of film. So it can happen, but there is a process and that’s what I want to explain to you. Also, I want to add that playing a lower level of college football like D2, D3 or NAIA is completely fine. Maybe you don’t want to play in the league or play D1 football- you just want your education paid for and take that burden off of your family. That is COMPLETELY FINE. A lot of people have this D1 or bust mentality, and I like that attitude. But for some, that’s not quite the journey you are on. So getting a 80-95% scholarship or even a full ride to a smaller school is fantastic and something to be proud of. Now, to get a D1 schools attention with only 1 year of film- before your senior season you need to ask yourself if you truly feel you are a D1 player. Be honest with yourself too because it effects the recruiting process. If you feel you are that guy, you want to attend some college camps in the summer. Not to get offers or exposure, you attend for relationships. Meet coaches, get their Twitter info, follow them, DM them and thank them for their time. You are essentially building a contact list. So when the season rolls around you have people to send your film to. Everyone always says “oh DM coaches your film on Twitter”. Goodluck when 100,000+ kids do the exact same thing. You need real relationships. So, when you have those relationships in tact- after the first 5 games of your season (you need to ball out like crazy) make a “mid-season highlight tape”. This is what you want to send to those coaches. They aren’t doing a lot of recruiting due to it being their season- but they will see the message and the film. So when the end of the season rolls around, you can send them your full season tape and perhaps actually gain some interest. That’s the best way to go about it. But at the end of the day, on film you need to be dominant. If you’re a DB and you’re locking up a WR who has D1 offers- you’re gonna get some kind of attention. I promise you. There is no substitute for the skills needed to play at the next level. Also, please take care of business in the classroom. There is no excuse to have a GPA below a 3.3. Give a college coach every reason to take a chance on you. If you are good enough, he will.
