Make sure you are aware of what the camp can do for you before you invest time and money into it. A lot of kids make the mistake of going to every single camp under the sun to try to get “exposure”. And I think camps can be highly beneficial if you approach them the correct way. I DO NOT recommend going to a camp with the mindset of getting an offer if you have little to no film. You will be highly disappointed. The odds of you getting an offer out of 200+ kids, unnoticed, is not very likely. So I DO NOT recommend going to the big power 5 camps. I feel that it is a waste of time and money. If you love the school and just want to meet the coaches, that’s one thing… but don’t go with the hopes of getting a scholarship on the spot. There are so many kids and very little time spent with individual coaches. Now let’s say you’re being recruited by one of those schools, I highly recommend that you go. Now if you are one of those guys without film, you can still go to camps… just choose wisely. I got an offer in high school from a camp, not because I balled out at the camp, but because I made a relationship with the QB coach. I went to the camp, which was smaller numbers, only about 50 people. So my odds were greater, and I played well. He noticed, we followed each other on Twitter and then when I got film I sent it out to them, and then bam I got one. It’s about building relationships at camps. So if you are unnoticed I would attend a few smaller school camps. The goal is to get your education paid for and if you can get it paid for at a D2 school, that is outstanding. Just choose wisely when it comes to camps, do not jump into every single camp.
I am also having a training camp this January in Florida! It is not a exposure camp but a skill building camp for QBs,WRs & DBs. We will be doing live 7on7, 1on1s, filming the event and doing positional specific drills with over 8+ coaches! All coaches have D1 football experience and will be adding great value to your game! If this is something you are interested in checkout the link below! All ages are welcomed and will be split up accordingly! ⬇️⬇️⬇️