Below we will be giving you a free, in season WR gym workout. I hope this can help!
Also if you would like 75+ on field drills & on field workouts you can do to get faster, checkout the link below! We include the exact sets & reps to do & we put the drills into workout schedules so it is easy to follow ⬇️⬇️
Barbell Hang Cleans (3x8 reps)
Superset with
Single Leg Box Jumps (3x8 reps)
1 minute 30 seconds rest in between sets
Barbell Pause Squats At Parallel (hold for 2 seconds) (3x8 reps)
1 minute rest in between sets
Kettle Bell/Dumbbell Goblet Squats (3x12 reps)
1 minute rest in between sets
V-Ups (core exercises) (3x15 reps)
Superset with
30 Second Leg Lift Plank (3 sets)
1 minute rest in between sets

there is another gym workout you have made for wide receivers so should I combine these two workouts?