The most important part of a press release is having a plan. We can’t go up to the line without a plan or at least a reactionary plan but that plan differs based on the coverage you see, the play type and how the DB is playing you. If you come out of the huddle or come up to the line and don’t have a list in your head determined through film study throughout the week of the 5-6 press releases you can use against that specific DB, you are not prepared. Keep it simple and make sure all of the releases build off of each other. Make sure you know when to use the release and the technique behind it. If you want access to a new video that teaches 20 DIFFERENT PRESS RELEASES and when to use them and drills to improve each one of them, click the link below. The video is 45 minutes long and it teaches everything you must know off the line! ⬇️⬇️
