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Pros & Cons Of Running Track

Grant Caraway

The pros of running track are obvious. It’s going to help you get more explosive, faster and become a better overall athlete. But none of these will happen if one thing occurs on your track team. This is the main con I want to discuss. And that is when you don’t have a good/dedicated track coach. So many schools don’t have the best track programs because they either lack funding or lack the exposure other track programs have. So they do not have coach to pay a decent amount, so some staff volunteer will coach. And that is when track can be a waste of time. You don’t want to run track if you’re just running laps at practice. You want to learn about running mechanics, learn drills to improve speed/form and workouts to get you more explosive. If you’re coach isn’t doing that, don’t run track. You can get in better shape by running laps on your own time. And you will not waste time at the track meets that take hours. Also you will have more time dedicated to the gym and field work. You need to be efficient with your time in the off season and use it wisely. So if you’re running track and have a great coach, it is the best thing for you to develop speed. But if he’s not a great coach, it’s a waste of time.

If you guys are a QB or WR and are looking for an 8 week workout schedule you can do in the gym to build speed, explosiveness, power and arm strength this off season, checkout the links below!

8 Week WR Gym Plan

8 Week QB Gym Plan

WE ARE TRAVELING TO 9 CITIES THIS OFF SEASON FOR QB/WR CAMPS! We are coming to Houston TX, Phoenix AZ, Newark NJ, Atlanta GA, Columbus OH, Chicago IL, Dallas TX, Nashville TN & Los Angeles CA! If you guys are local to those 9 cities we would love to have you out! Spots are limited to only 10-12 per position group! Sign up below ⬇️⬇️

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