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Today we will be talking about the max lifts that WRs should be trying to shoot for. I hope this can help!  

Also, in 2024 we are coming out to 9 more cities for QB/WR skill camps! We will be coming to Dallas TX(SOLD OUT) Nashville TN(SOLD OUT) Chicago IL(SOLD OUT) Buffalo NY, Atlanta GA, Houston TX, Philadelphia PA(SOLD OUT), Detroit MI, Boise ID & Los Angeles CA! Checkout the link below to sign up ⬇️⬇️

So this is going to based on high school WRs. If you’re not of high school age yet, I honestly don't even think you should worry about your max lift numbers. Focus on your lifting form and developing good habits. It will take you further and benefit you more long term. 

Squats- I would say 275lbs and above is a good max that can help you stand out. As a WR there are a lot of important attributes. Your speed, on field skills etc. are more important than your max numbers. So don’t get too discouraged if you’re not at this point. If you’re not at this point, think of these numbers as a goal. 

Power Cleans- 250lbs or above 

Power cleans are very important for WRs. Power cleans and squats should be your main points of emphasis.

Bench Press- 205lbs or above. Bench isn’t important at all, college coaches don’t really care how much you can bench. People will always so “oh it helps with blocking”- blocking is from your hips and legs. Not your chest and arms. 

So I wouldn’t worry too much about bench. 

Deadlift-  300lbs or more- but PLEASE be safe, if you don’t do deadlift… I don’t even like you attempting a max on this. I’ve seen so many injuries from deadlift. But your deadlift should be somewhere around your squat numbers. A little bit more but please emphasize good form on this exercise. I prefer a trap bar deadlift over a conventional deadlift for athletes too. More leg based rather than lower back. 

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