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Grant Caraway

3 Tips To Beat Aggressive/Physical DBs

The first thing you can do against aggressive DBs is have a plan. If you have a plan going up to the line of scrimmage based on what you think they will do, you have an opportunity to be successful on the route. So through film study you should know how your opponent will play you. If he’s going to get physical you will see on film or at least based off of the first drive if you’re in a situation where you don’t have film of a team you are playing. So that’s where you gather enough info to come out with a plan. If he likes to be heavy inside shade, know that you probably won’t be getting many inside releases and you will have to work outside. There are a ton of different releases you can use but it’s all about building off of each one. You should have about 3-6 going into every game that you can use and they should all look similar. If you want to learn 20 different press releases, when to use them and drills to work on each one, click below! Below is a link to our route running Bible where we include the releases we talked about above and a 2 week WR on field workout plan to improve your route running! We give you specific drills, sets, reps and routes to work to improve your overall game, check it out here! ⬇️⬇️

The second thing you want to do is not play the DBs game. If he is a bigger guy and you are on the smaller side, the last thing you want to do is sit there and hand fight with him. You need to beat him with quickness and with speed rather than physicality. A Jiu Jitsu Fighter isn’t going to box a boxer, he is going to take him down. Yes, you will have to work your hands in some situations however your hands are not the most important part. The feet are, the feet set up the hands. If you can move the DB off of the line that makes the hand technique easier because you can get him off balance. Dont just sit there and do karate with the guy, at the end of the day you need to get up into the route, his goal is to disrupt timing and our goal is to keep timing.

Lastly, use RANGE! A lot of people were asking me about range and what that meant, range is that space where you force a DB to make a decision. So for example, let’s say you’re running a fade and you use that slide N go as a release. So when you slide off the line you don’t want to slide lateral because the DB will shuffle and you don’t want to slide too close to the DB because he will get hands. You want to slide into that range where he can’t touch you unless he goes at you, almost like a 45 degree angle to the sideline so when he does lunge at you, you can just swat his hands and go. He is off balance when he lunges, also this is the same for a step back release. I personally don’t teach that release but it’s the same concept, make the DB come to you.


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