Below we will be discussing 3 ways that you can impress your football coaches this summer at summer practice. I hope this can help!
Also, if you play WR and would like a 2 month daily workout schedule to follow, checkout the link below! We give you 8 weeks of field route running workouts (sets & reps/video examples included), 8 weeks of WR specific gym workouts (sets/reps/examples includes) and a 1 Month speed development workout plan to do. Check it out here ⬇️⬇️⬇️
1)- Don’t make the same mistake twice. I’m telling you right now, not every coach is going to be as nice as your private trainer. A lot of times coaches HATE repeating themselves. As a coach, I personally don’t mind it. I feel it’s my job to make you understand and if you’re not getting it, it’s my job to explain it a different way so you can understand. But not all coaches think that way. Actually most coaches don’t think that way. So you need to challenge yourself as an athlete to not screw up the same way all that often. Mistakes will happen. That’s fine. But try to avoid making the same ones twice. And trust me, any coach will love to be around you if you’re that type of athlete.
2)- Finish first or try to in conditioning. Everyone in summer practice does conditioning. If you’re in shape; I feel it’s all mindset. A lot of guys just try to get through it. You should try to compete with guys. Every sprint or run, you should try your best to come in first. Now if you’re like a lineman, I understand you’re not going to beat the skill position skinny guys. But you can definitely place first out of all the linemen. Don’t just get through conditioning. Compete in conditioning.
3)- Don’t miss optional practices. If you have an optional lift or some type of team event… you should be there. If you plan on playing football for a long period of time, you gotta understand that optional means mandatory. Football practice is football practice and you need to be there. Don’t even get me started on mandatory practice missing either. Kids will go on a 2 week vacation (sometimes not their fault, it’s their parents fault) and then complain about how they don’t get reps. It’s like “yeah, you missed 10 days of practices while your competition was here working and earning it”. If you take football serious, you should never miss.
