Below we will be discussing the average height for middle school football players based on position. I hope this is able to help!
Also, if you play WR and would like a 2 month daily workout schedule to follow, checkout the link below! We give you 8 weeks of field route running workouts (sets & reps/video examples included), 8 weeks of WR specific gym workouts (sets/reps/examples includes) and a 1 Month speed development workout plan to do. Check it out here ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Now this article isn’t meant to discourage anybody. Anytime I post something like this you always get someone in the comment section going “oh don’t listen to this just ball and work hard”… and yeah exactly. So I went to preface this entire article by saying it’s not meant to discourage you. It’s to let you know if you’re undersized for your position/age. Reason why this is important to know is not to make it seem like if you’re not that tall you are doomed- its to show you that you’re undersized so you have to play the game differently than the tall guys. You might need more speed. Better technique. Better arm strength etc. Also, for middle school players… you have so much development left. Some of you may haven’t even hit puberty yet. So don’t worry too too much. This analysis/info is based on the amount of athletes we see every year at this age at our camps across the country.
So we will be breaking this up by position and grade. The positions will be listed on the left and then there will be 3 heights given. The first height is for 6th graders, the second height is for 7th graders and the third height is for 8th graders.
QB- 5’3 ; 5’5 ; 5’9
WR/DB- 5’1; 5’4; 5’7
RB/LB- 5’4; 5’7; 5’10
TE- 5’6; 5’9; 6’0
O-Line/D-Line- 5’7; 5’10; 6’0