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Grant Caraway

FREE Gym Speed Workout

Dynamic Warm Up

30 seconds jumping jacks

30 seconds high knees in place

10 jump squats

10 jumping lunges (alternating 5 each side)

10 side to side lunges (alternating 5 each side)

10 burpees

10 push-ups

30 seconds of sit ups

30 second of bicycle kicks

  • These are all performed back to back. The goal of this dynamic warm up is to get a sweat going.

If you guys would like to send us film of yourself performing drills, running routes, making throws or actual game film… we can analyze it and send it back to you with our feedback! Sign up below ⬇️

Leg Development and Explosiveness

Warm Up Sets with squats

2 sets with a weight you can do 10 times

1 set with a weight you can do 8 times

1 set with a weight you can do 5 times

Working Sets

5 sets of 3 Squats (should be a heavier weight; over emphasize exploding up from the bottom of the squat)

(45 seconds rest in between sets)

5 sets of 3 Jump Squats (should be a lighter weight; over emphasize jumping as high as you can)

(45 seconds rest in between sets)

5 sets of 5 each leg Jumping Lunges With Weight (should be a lighter weight that you can easily hold; emphasizing jumping as explosive as possible)

(45 seconds rest in  between sets) 



Explosive Movements Superset

Warm up with power cleans

2 sets with a weight you can do 10 times

1 set with a weight you can do 8 times

1 set with a weight you can do 5 times

Working Sets

5 sets of 3 power cleans (1 minute rest in between sets)

Superset with 5 sets of 10 burpees

  • A superset is when you perform more than 1 exercise back to back

AB Circuit

Working Supersets

3 sets: Medicine Ball Russian Twists 20 reps each side

            Medicine Ball Slams 20 reps

            Med ball lateral throws 10 reps each side

(30 seconds rest in between each set)

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