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How A Young QB Can Start On Varsity

I get this question a lot, how younger guys can separate themselves at the QB position is by doing more than the competition. And yes it is really that simple. Everything when it comes to competition is simple but it comes down to how badly you want to win. If you simply do what the competition isn’t willing to do, you will win the position battle or at least earn the respect of the team which can win you the job anyways. Don’t try to be a vocal guy if you aren’t one. Younger guys have to lead by doing. You show up to every workout, you’re watching hours upon hours of film and you’re doing the field work that your competition isn’t doing. In time it will all start to pay off, you just need to stay patient. I think the main key if you’re not as physically gifted as the competition, is your football IQ, if you know the holes in the defense and where to go with the football before the snap, you will become an efficient QB. And that is all a coach wants. If you want to improve your football IQ and learn how to read defenses, click the link below! ⬇️

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