The first thing you absolutely need to do to get recruited at a small school is stand out on film. If you’re at a school that doesn’t get a lot of recruiting attention you need to be the best player on your team, best player in your league and best player in the region. As a WR we need to showcase on film that you can make explosive plays, make the hard catches and run explosive/intelligent routes. These are all keys that will stand out to a coach. You guys need to make sure this off season your main focus is building those skills if you don’t have any varsity film. A lot of people ask me about the recruiting process but they simply cannot start the recruiting process if they don’t have varsity tape. Your main focus needs to be improving 1% everyday so you can build those skills that create college interest. If you guys would like a 4 week workout schedule with all of the WR drills and gym workouts you need to do to build explosion, route running, great hands and more checkout the link below! ⬇️⬇️
The second thing you need to do is get your tape in front of the recruiting coordinator for your area for a college of interest. So colleges don’t have one coach recruit all the WRs across the country. They send 1 guy to each state or a few states. So this may not even be the WR coach. So that’s why it’s important you are extremely impressive on tape. A lineman coach will not know about route running but he will know what an explosive WR looks like. Then he can show your tape to the OC/WR coach and they know what a good receiver looks like when it comes to technique. That is the process. Now how do you find this guy? Ask your high school coach who is recruiting the area or reach out to bigger recruits in the biggest city close to you. For example if you live in middle of nowhere Illinois I would hit up some guys who live in Chicago and ask “who is recruiting you?” “What coach are you talking with?” Etc. That will help you get an idea of who you should send film to.
